Small classes and private lessons offered year ’round to improve player skills and confidence.

About Us

About FutureStar Baseball LLC

About Future Star Baseball

​Future Star Baseball opened in 2003. After several years coaching in competitive leagues in the Piedmont and Oakland areas, owner Ben Mangan secured facilities in a very sweet location in the Oakland hills and invested in professional level equipment.

Ben works with all levels of players. From college and pro prospects to kids who just want to hit the ball for the first time, Ben enjoys teaching all aspects of the game. When hiring staff, he looks for baseball skill, mentor/leadership qualities, and deep love for the game.

Future Star Baseball is a vital part of the East Bay baseball community, serving families in Piedmont Baseball as well as Oakland Little League (NOLL SOLL), and Orinda Baseball Association (OBA). We work with individual players to achieve top performance as a result of focused effort. By providing classes year round, and for all levels, we aim to improve the quality of play in local little league and school divisions, and the enjoyment of viewing for all baseball families.

For more information about Ben and other staff bios click here:

Future Star Baseball, LLC 12000 Campus Drive Oakland CA, 94619

Please note that Future Star Baseball LLC does not rent out its batting cage. It is only for the use of its regular coaching sessions and instructional programs.

+1(510) 710-0987

Business Opening Hours:

Mon to Fri: 03:30 PM – 09:30 PM
Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM


Future Star Baseball is about 10 minutes from the Montclair district and 15 minutes from Rockrdge/College Avenue.

Highway 13 – Take Highway 13 South towards Hayward. Get off at Redwood Road. Make a left off the exit onto Redwood. Continue up the hill and make a right on Campus Drive (at stoplight).Go about 200 yards on Campus and look for the East Hills Community Church sign on the left side of the street. Go up the driveway to the large parking lot. Continue across the parking lot and park below the smaller driveway and walk up to the cages above.

580 Freeway – Take the 35th Avenue exit. Make a left onto 35th Avenue. Continue up the hill, past the Safeway. Make a right on Campus Drive (at stoplight). Go about 200 yards on Campus and look for the East Hills Community Church sign on the left side of the street. Go up the driveway to the large parking lot. Continue across the parking lot and park below the smaller driveway and walk up to the cages above.

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